Give the Unusual...Consider Hand-painted Dog Holiday Balls
3rd Nov 2012
For many years we have had the good fortune to work with a local Annapolis artist who paints our holiday balls, in addition to many other beautiful pieces throughout the year. While we offer her hand-painted dog ornaments year-round, the demand for her holiday balls obviously increases during the fall and winter seasons. For those seeking to give a gift this season that is unusual, thoughtful and truly priceless, our custom painted holiday balls should be on your list.
As you can see, each ball is a work of art to be treasured. While the front features any breed of cat or dog, the back is painted with beautiful winter embellishments like holly or snow-covered evergreens. Perhaps you have a mixed breed (or designer dog as we like to refer to them) or want to have a particular pose captured on a Christmas ball? Not to worry, we can also have a ball painted from a photograph and add the pet's name as well if you'd like. Keep in mind each piece is painted by hand here in Annapolis, so the process takes time. For delivery by Christmas, we require your order no later than Thanksgiving. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
While Paws pet boutique offers other unique dog holiday gifts and specialty items for cats and people, consider these hand-painted pet ornaments at some point, which are guaranteed to be cherished for a lifetime. Many people enjoy displaying them year round.
Don't forget to make time to celebrate your furry companions in life. Wishing you a cheerful holiday season with the ones you love.
- Michelle, founder of Paws pet boutique Inc.